Secret Identity: The Fetish Art of Superman's Co-creator Joe Shuster

Secret Identity: The Fetish Art of Superman's Co-creator Joe ShusterIt's not been a good week for Superman.

Only last week, the heirs of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel took a blow when they lost a court ruling to DC Comics and Warner Bros. about damages they believed were owed to them. Now the family of Joe Shuster, the other co-creator, is reeling from scandal.

A controversial book that paints Shuster as an S&M artist for the mob has been optioned for the screen by the Gotham Group.

Secret Identity: The Fetish Art of Superman's Co-Creator Joe Shuster was written by comic archivist Craig Yoe after he discovered a cache of The Nights of Horror comics at an estate sale.

After looking through the volumes, Yoe was convinced that the artist of the series was Shuster and began the investigation that led to the book.

Yoe and his book have been criticized by many for tarnishing the image of one of the pioneers of the comic book medium, but Yoe says the work is important for "comic book history and cultural history."

In a recent interview, Yoe said:
"There are some who say I should have left this stuff buried and not ruin Joe's reputation. But this is a major body of work by the creator of the superhero. Some of the drawings are beautiful, showing the great craftsman that he was. There's even an innocence."

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  1. It's one hell of a book, and I'd go see the movie.

  2. more effort should be spent on confirming or denying the validity of the research and less on trying to suppress it. if it's the truth, it's the truth.

    it doesn't take away from him or his legacy in any meaningful way if he also drew this stuff. artists are whole people, with various interests.



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