DC Comics Blog Closes Comments - Comics Alliance

Mar 17th 2011 By: Chris Sims

In today's installment of "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" news, The Source, the official blog of the DC Universe, has closed down their comments section following a brief but intense flamewar that broke out on a recent post and spiraled into personal attacks against readers, creators, and members of the DC comics staff.

As for what could possibly have inspired so much anger from the readers that the Source had to lock the whole site down to keep things from getting worse -- well, it won't surprise anyone who has spent more than five minutes reading any given forum on the Internet that the vitriol was based on a subject of absolute, life-or-death importance: Who runs faster, Superman or the Flash?

Read More: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/03/17/dcs-blog-closes-comments-gives-up-on-even-trying-to-talk-to-yo/#ixzz1H5qzGL9Y


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